History, Environment, and Cultural Resources in Northern Asia

ICAS 11 to be held in Leiden, The Netherlands, 16-19 July 2019 

Northern Asia, Siberia, and Mongolia have hardly been the subject of concern at meetings of the International Convention of Asian Scholars (ICAS) during the first twenty years of its existence. This despite the fact that sociocultural studies of past and present societies in the region have been been undertaken by Russian, German, Scandinavian, Chinese, Japanese, and US American scholars at least since the eighteenth century, when ethnography came into existence as a systematic program. The ambivalent position of Russia, Siberia, and Mongolia between Europe and Asia, having elements of both, has led to a neglect in Western scholarship. While political regimes during the Tsarist and Soviet periods have hardly facilitated scholarly research, these restrictions have been lifted in the post-Soviet period and much research has been undertaken since the 1990s. Aiming to fill the gap between Asian studies in general and Northern Asia in particular, this panel proposes to bring these fields into contact by focussing on the interrelations between history, the environment, and cultural resources of the region in a deep time perspective. 

Title and abstract proposals: Dr. Han F. Vermeulen, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.